Thursday, January 7, 2010

Barry & Edna May & Friends Tour

" great day sailing, my first time and we will do it again" Barry

Also on board: Terry Cline, John & Yvonne Reidel/Thomasville, PA

Eco Tour with Musical Guest "Jock"

""Great sandwiches, great music" Bill & Deb Poutre

"Absolutely a wonderful a small private party" Yolanda Schuetz

"Fabulous trip, smooth seas" Mike & Terri Kossick/Pa. USA

"Great Day" Chris & Margot Schumann/Columbus Ohio

also on board....Jeanette Perpa, Janet Bostrum, & Tom Hewett

Shedlock Family Tour

" I had more than a wonderful experience. Thanks so very much, and we'll see you at least yearly. Looking forward to the next sail" September Shedlock/Anchorage, Alaska

John Lee Family Tour

James Le Bouton from the "Twister" USA 51115 Crew joins the Mi Casa and takes over the helm...His sis Beth also crewing for "Trader" USA 52111 is on board as well..with mom and dad...

Natasha Moore Family Cruise

"Thank you for the wonderful experience. My girls loved it" Natasha

John Walsh Family Cruise

"We enjoyed the serenity when the boat was sailing. The stories, and rope lessons were interesting. Great hosts and great with the kids." John Walsh

Wen Family Private Tour

"Today i had the most fun in years! I loved the crazy waves. See you next time" Ashley

"Selena and I were just laughing and screaming like crazy. I loved those really rough waves and playing on the beach". Helen Gu

Ora Chamiok & Family Tour

"Truly enjoyable and relaxing' Ora, Jim, Stephen, & Alyssa

Familia Olivares Sail with Dolphins

Family Olivares sail on Christmas and get the special gift of seeing the family dolphin pod(returning from the north...first Mi Casa spotting). Christian and Brian jump in to get a closer view. Renata(nature woman) stays on top and has the best view from the birds nest...Alana and los ninos prefer to jump up and down over siting...